Friday, April 25, 2008

Global Warming Affecting Our Wildlife

I recently found this article on Digg, where The National Wildlife Federation identified eights animals that are dramatically being affected by global warming. We cannot go on ignoring that these animals are in danger. What can we exactly do to help this? Is it money? Is it organizing? As just an individual, what power do we truly hold?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Benjamin Wey and Turtle Tales...

As you all know by now, I can be a pretty serious turtle enthusiast. But I think with this new site-- my interest in turtles can now reach people in ways I have never imagined. In my free time, I have been writing these "children's tales" revolving around a certain kind of turtle. Each story somewhat serves as a lesson, but there is for mature subtext and themes in these stories. Think of them as modern tales written in the vain of Alice In Wonderland. Check them out, and let me know what you think. Below you will find the opening paragraph for my first story. Stay tuned, I'll be adding more tales in the weeks to come.

In a dark barren night, Tiona Turtle walked along the sands with her baby Tamika on her shell with the stars guiding her. She had two burdens to worry about: one— not to disturb the only love of her life sleeping peacefully on her shell, and two— getting to their destination safely. However, Tiona Turtle didn’t mind this. She remembered a time when she was on her mother’s shell when they made the journey back to the great green seas. So the burden of having her baby on her and walking for many miles was not a serious burden for Tiona Turtle.

Along the way, Tiona Turtle fell out of her deep thought and was distracted by a woman sobbing. At first she had thought it was a lost ghost, but once she heard the voice speak, “It hurts,” she moved as quickly as she can to the figure that was injured. Not too far from her path, Tiona Turtle came across a young human woman on the sandy floor, with her shoes off.

You can read the rest of story here.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Benjamin Wey Is Back!

I forgot I had this blog! For the past couple of months, I've been sharing all my thoughts and adventures here. So if you want to catch up, check that out. And if you don't want to then just read on to find out what I've been up.

Before I started typing this paragraph, I started thinking exactly what I've been up to. Then I realized, it's all just been same thing, different day. Just school, work, and Cooper. Now I'm worried that my life has gotten too predictable and too static. Have I chosen life?