Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

I decided to start a blog about my interests in hopes of finding people out there that share them. I have always been a turtle lover, but many of my friends don't necessarily share that love with me. I am primarily interested in land dwelling turtles, and own several box turtles. Most people I know who own turtles have the red-eared sliders, which are cute, but they're so much effort to care for, due to the need to constantly change the tank water. I'm way too busy for that. Box turtles allow me to be busy but still have pets, because they're relatively low maintenance. Change the substrate every few months, make sure they have a bowl of freshwater to swim in and drink from, and feed them, and they're generally happy. They're also a lot friendlier than red-eared's; much less hissing and snapping.

I am also going to be getting a chameleon very soon. I know a guy who breeds them and I'm just waiting on my hatchling to mature enough to subject it to the trauma of a big move (and a legal sale). I'll keep you posted when he (0r she) finally arrives.

1 comment:

HK said...

Hi Benjamin,

Wow, through a winding series of links through your various pages (including your LJ which took ages to load!), I finally landed here.

I love turtles too, in particular sea turtles. Thanks for the link (somewhere!) to the tracked turtle adoption page!

And I was thinking of getting a pet turtle someday (when we move into our own house), but had been wondering what kind-- I'll definitely have to research box turtles more, after reading about yours :-)

Take care,